What is the role of “Freight” at SK on trading international?
Specializing in Global Oil Logistics
We are the team specializing in global oil logistics that is responsible for the chartering and operation of import and export vessels (oil tankers) for SKI-affiliate refineries. We aim to ensure “timely transportation of feed” and “export petroleum products” for stable refinery operations.
Carbon to Green Strategy Implementation
In line with SK's Carbon to Green (Net Zero) strategy, it aims to contribute to achieving Net Zero, which is predicated on securing economic viability, through projects such as utilizing eco-friendly fuel oil and chartering high-efficiency tankers.
Continuous Generation of Freight Profit
We contribute to the achievement of the company's goals by generating stable and continuous profits through the Freight BM (business model) that utilizes internal system requirements as well as 3rd party freight trading activities.
Our People
What is the role of “Freight” at SK on trading international?
How does the work of “Freight” look like in detail?
What are the strengths of “Freight” when it comes to trading?
What skills do you need to specialize in the field of “Freight?”
When did you have the most fun working in “Freight?”
What has been the most challenging aspect of working in “Freight?”
A word of advice to future members of SK on trading international's “Freight” team
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